We’ve got some great workshops coming up in November including our second term of African drumming courses, advanced Mali Style djembe and dunun workshops, and our first ever workshop dedicated solely to dunun playing.
Introducing students to the sounds, history and rhythms of the Djembe and Dunun drums of Guinea and Mali, West Africa. No experience is necessary and all drums are provided. You will learn some of the key rhythms for the djembe drum. Every rhythm is made up of several different parts that create its unique sound. you will learn how to play these parts as a group, together producing the full piece. Mainly we have a lot of fun.
Venue – Temple Lane Rehearsals (Below the Button Factory, Temple Bar).
Time – 6.45 – 8pm
Dates – Wednesday 14th, 21st, 28th November, 5th & 12th December.
Cost – 75euro for the 5 classes
African Drumming course – Intermediate
This is for students who have been attending African drumming workshops or playing regularly for a few months or have completed 2 introduction courses. This workshop will focus, on traditional rhythms, techniques, solos and arrangements. Participants can play djembe and/or dunun. We will also explain some common methods of notating rythms and students can record all parts.
Venue – Temple Lane Studios (Below the Button Factory, Temple Bar).
Dates – Wednesday 14th, 21st, 28th November, 5th & 12th December.
Time – 8.15 – 9.45pm
Cost – 75euro for the 5 classes
Mali Djembe and Dunun – Intermediate/Advanced – Rhythm Sunun
A 6-hour workshop focusing on the rhythm Sunun from Mali. We will be examining this rhythm known for its’ swing that almost blurs the lines between ternary and binary.
Malian rhythms are often characterised by the level of interplay between the djembe and dunun, with the dunun often being considered the second soloist. For this reason one djembe and one dunun player can often produce complex and funky grooves, and 4 drummers can produce a full ensemble. These rhythms are also known for their turns of speed and the dynamics of the playing, moving quickly between fast and slow and loud and quiet.
Venue – Temple Lane Rehearsals (Below the Button Factory)
Date – 18th November – 10.30am – 4.30pm
Cost – 45e (Booking on first come first served basis)
Maximum 9 participants
Dunun Magic – Introduction to dunun playing
Dununs are the heart of the Maliinke drumming ensemble, made of the small Kersedeni drum, the medium Sanban drum and the large Dununba drum. Each drum is played with a stick in one hand and a bell in the other. Together they form the melody of the rhythm.
In this workshop we will focus on some of the key patterns. The workshop will be limited to 9 participants and as such each student will get to play each of the drums in the ensemble. We will start with the most accessible rhythms and progress to a more complicated version.
No previous experience is necessary and all drums will be provided.
Venue – Temple Lane Rehearsals (Below the button Factory, Temple bar)
Date/time – Sunday 25th November – 2.30pm – 6.30pm
Cost – 35euro